Becoming a Fair-trade Town
To receive the Fair-trade Town label, the city must prove its commitment to fair-trade. To do so, the following five criteria must be met:
- Council resolution: Fair-trade coffee must be served in the mayor’s office and at all council and committee meetings, and another fair-trade product must be used. This could be fair-trade tea, sugar or biscuits e.g.
- Steering group: There is a steering group to coordinate and implement fair-trade activities locally.
- Fair-trade products in the assortment: Fair-trade labelled products are offered in local retail shops and gastronomy.
- Civil society: Fair-trade products are used in public institutions, such as schools, clubs or churches, and events of educational and informational activities about fair trade are held.
- Media and public relations: Local media report on the activities of the steering group and the local fair-trade actions.
Fair-trade in Rastatt
Little by little, the baroque town of Rastatt has successfully implemented the five required criteria and finally received the label in February 2021. For example, only fair-trade organic coffee is served in the city administration and only fair-trade products are offered at municipal council meetings. Retailers and restaurants have also expanded their range to include fair-trade products. In addition, schools and associations are committed to fair-trade. After the steering group was founded, various activities and information events on fair-trade were coordinated and carried out. This was covered by local media such as the Badisches Tagblatt.